The Art of “Balancing Openness and Judgment”

Today I am celebrating Martín Carcasson, awesome professor of communication at Colorado State University and director of the Center for Public Deliberation at CSU. He recently wrote a post on Linked In wondering about the relationship between “openness” and “judgment”… which is what prompted this blog post. In his post, he writes, “Democracy needs more […]

Easing shifts in group dynamics, with a new twist on the conventional “agenda”…

Agenda…  the word is loaded with meaning, spanning both one realm that is extremely logical and rational, as well as another that is deeper, more fraught, and generally less conscious.  I recently made a discovery that fits somewhere in the dance between these two…. This particular small group seemed to be in the throes of […]

May travels and learnings…

My goodness! It’s already July, and I’ve still not written here about my recent flurry of listening-related activities and thoughts… so here it is, at last! Elders and Fellows Gathering in Sausalito, CA. The beginning of my journeys, back in early May…  This was a small invitational gathering with a small circle of “Elders” in the field […]

Exploring “growing edges” in Europe…

I’ve recently returned from a two-week trip to Switzerland, Austria, and Germany, meeting with fellow practitioners in a variety of  fields, including group facilitation, organizational consulting, management, and public administration. All of the folks with whom I met, are involved in some way with Dynamic Facilitation, a listening practice designed to help people engage in […]

Interview with Joe Shirley

Today I am writing about Joe Shirley, a friend and colleague who is a fellow fan and practitioner of Dynamic Facilitation. Over the last several decades, Joe has created a compelling body of work called “The Feeling Path”, a powerful new approach for facilitating emotional healing. I recently interviewed Joe, asking him to speak about […]